hsmp work permits & Visas

Sunday, April 16, 2006




The Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) was introduced by the Home Office as a new immigration category in January 2002 to allow highly skilled individuals to enter the UK to seek and take work in their particular fields. The programme was subsequently incorporated into the UK's Immigration Rules. The object was, and remains, to attract highly skilled workers to live and work in the UK, thereby making a positive economic contribution.

The HSMP operates on a points-based system and success depends upon scoring a minimum number of points, as well as satisfying some further requirements and we offer ‘NO VISA NO FEE’ for peace of mind!
In essence, you require a degree qualification that is considered equivalent to at least a UK Bachelors, earnings and a certain amount of ‘graduate level’ work experience. We would assess your history in order to take your case on.

Applicants under the age of 28
This immigration category is particularly attractive for applicants under the age of 28, as the qualification requirements for that age group are significantly lower. International Work Permits has had, and continues to have, an exceptionally high level of success in respect of HSMP applications and we are widely experienced. We have obtained approval for applicants in a broad range of areas of professional practice - from the financial sector to marketing, management and industry, as well as in academia/education, art history, sciences, law etc

What about your spouse/partner and children?
As with a number of other immigration categories, highly skilled migrants may include their dependent spouse/partner and dependent children under the age of 18 within their applications. This is included in the 1 application

Post a comment for assistance and information on all aspects of this and other avenues of UK immigration.


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